- CyberTran is a direct-to-destination system, meaning that without multiple en-route stops, the vehicle maintains a high average speed and passengers arrive at their destinations up to three times faster than traditional light rail.
- Since every station is off the main line and the vehicles get to up full speed before rejoining it, there are no delays due to stopped or slowed vehicles.
- CyberTran’s earthquake-safe elevated guideway keeps tracks away from pedestrians and cars, and its separate lanes for different directions of travel further reduce the opportunity for collisions.
- Since all vehicles on the guideway are moving at the same speed, the risk of collisions is extremely low.
- The computer-controlled system monitors the location of each vehicle at all times. Vehicles are equipped with anti-collision sensors, maintaining a safe operating distance between vehicles at all times.
- CyberTran is powered by clean electricity through a third rail. The electricity to power the system can be generated by solar panels over the guideway, the stations, and parking lots.
- CyberTran’s steel wheel on steel rail design is approximately three times more energy efficient than rubber tires on pavement, making the transit system much more energy efficient than rubber-tired vehicles.
- CyberTran is a minimum construction impact system that does not require continuous ground preparation. It can be installed over many existing structures such as bridges and in highway medians. The system’s minimal physical footprint also means that it has a low visual impact.
- As more CyberTran systems are installed, avoided automobile trips will mean less air pollution and traffic congestion.
- Because CyberTran uses off-line stations, more stations can be added without slowing down through passengers. This encourages more Smart Growth, or Transit-Oriented-Development, helping to finance system capital and operating costs, and laying down a blueprint for sustainable development.
- CyberTran significantly minimizes the largest cost of setting up a transit system: the guideway. The system’s small, lightweight vehicles allow for significantly lower material and construction costs.
- CyberTran also minimizes operating costs through its driverless computer-control system and its innovative use of stations as vehicle storage locations.
- The higher average speed of vehicles provides greater utilization of seats reducing the capital cost.
- CyberTran runs on the passenger’s schedule instead of on an arbitrary, fixed schedule. Since the system is computer driven, it can operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- CyberTran uses its stations as vehicle storage facilities, rather than having a central dispatch and storage yard. This way, vehicles are always ready and waiting for passengers.
- Because CyberTran stations are off-line, the vehicles can make stops without disrupting other vehicles. Therefore, the stops are much less rushed than in conventional transit systems where the passenger usually has about 30 seconds to get on or off the train.
- Corridors can be networked together so that any vehicle can go anywhere in the system directly, avoiding the need to change vehicles at transfer stations.
- CyberTran offers opportunities for many different applications. It has been designed for three distinctly different operational speeds and functions: circulators (low speed, used in airports, national parks, and theme parks), commute (mid-speed, used for urban-suburban connections), and high speed (high-speed intercity, e.g. LA to San Francisco).
- CyberTran offers a wonderful opportunity for transit-oriented development corridors, with services and living space clustered around stations.